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Locker Gnome Blogging

26 Oct

Currently blogging at lockergnome

They have allowed me to use my adsense account on there.To see what happens I am going to have to stop woring on this blog for a short time to test spin it. Probably going to post here every now and again like once twice maybe three times a week. I will be focussing all my traffic getting posts to the other location on lockergnome . Mainly because I just want to see what kind of revenue it generates and what I can do to influence it to increase. The idea is to see what I can do for traffic and what traffic can do for me.

Plus the free easy money just farting around is a great influence there.

I will be trying to work on my apearance and style while there. But I still refuse to read anyone else’s blog, I want my content and works to be all mine and nothing brought in by others. i will use my book,novel and story writing skills and documentary tactics. I will be working alone on this project and all people who have writing with or for me, will be on their own projects. . So the whole “stumble fuck” art of the old ways will not be found there on the new blogging location.
Please go to and check it out, maybe creat your own account.. if you have adsense and all that crap..

Please watch me grow.

My work is here


updated site im working on

1 Oct

look at the page

this is what I have done with the flash portion of the site

It’s a temp site to show the owners of

what progress I have made withthe templates they have. there will be a bigger better flash intro on there when I am done.

I blog about it on if you really care to read about that kind of stuff. I am working in my spare time for them, I just do not have much spare time since I bought this new car and am working alot of overtime to compensate for the added bill. but what the heck, these people are nice and i like them and they need help with their site.

Getting traffic to blog

3 Aug

My last blog “” is gone. and man it had awesome traffic, now I have this blog here to work, but I also have my main TruXter’s tech blog

and man I have to say , between the one I am on right now and the main one, I do not get 1/3 the traffic but am working on better content. If I can get attention as I did before, hell i will delete my site and migrate the blog there.

Basicly I have to manually do , what wordpress already does for you it, I have tto submit my rss all over the net to feed readers.. by fricken hand, so I am all over this site Issue is, I keep getting distracted and forgetting what I am doing, but what teh hell , everything I need will be here or in my bookmarks. lol

but it’s mine and it will be bad ass like my last, but better .. maybe I can get on leo laporte’s new show.

Awaiting blog news

2 Aug

chris pirillo is about to release more info on his new blog idea to let us make money for the ads we rotate on his site with our blogs. we can get revenue. money for doing this.. awesomeness . let’s see if we can get it some traffic.

My work is here