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Blogging Plus adsense is good

28 Oct

I started writing for lockergnome. and did not notice the adsense set up. after I wrote like 20 posts I found the adsense set up. and instantly within ten minutes I made 8 cents. This is on the third day,by the third day I was no longer the new guy and I was no longer interesting, so if I could have set that up on the first day I probably would have raked in a whole lot more. but what the hell , all is good.
I enjoy the blogging site, It seems teh main focus there is tech and tech only, but not so strict as finding tech news right off the bat… Good because if you have twenty thousand people blogging about the same shit all day every day, then you have twenty thousand blogs that look the same and talk about the same shit.
well lockergnome is owned by chris pirillo from the show “call for help” back when it was in the united states on tech tv, it would normally be followed by the screen savers with Leo laporte and Patrick Norton and sara lane and kevin rose and his side kick dan. I got into the shows by watching robot wars at night and woke one morning with the tv still on the same channel started chatting in a chatroom on msn when I realized “hey this is techy stuff…. on tv.. oh cool” I was addicted.
well chris may pop into your blog some time and scream at you for being a weeny or having bad content so be cool with it… enjoy

My work is here

Sarah Lane’s new show

6 Sep

FOUND HER after she emailed me like 5 ort six fricken times telling me she works at diggnation or system or rev3  what ever.

she never would say she was in videos.

she explained how she was head of editing or some crap

what a bully.

she is doing atleast one video

10 Podcasts for week 8-14-7

13 Aug

Jobical used to be the working podcast

The Linux Link Tech Show

Linux Action Show

The Tech Guy 377

Mike Tech Show


Slash Dot Review

Cnet Tech News

Chris Pirillo

This Week In Tech

This will get you through the first hour of each day. enjoy.

watching coverage of gnomedex

10 Aug

streaming live watching it from set up to finish. gnomedex,chris is about to make an anouncement for all bloggers

comeone and enjoy

the chat is dead froze  in the pirillo link

but live on my site .. here

I advise you use chatzilla.

Getting traffic to blog

3 Aug

My last blog “” is gone. and man it had awesome traffic, now I have this blog here to work, but I also have my main TruXter’s tech blog

and man I have to say , between the one I am on right now and the main one, I do not get 1/3 the traffic but am working on better content. If I can get attention as I did before, hell i will delete my site and migrate the blog there.

Basicly I have to manually do , what wordpress already does for you it, I have tto submit my rss all over the net to feed readers.. by fricken hand, so I am all over this site Issue is, I keep getting distracted and forgetting what I am doing, but what teh hell , everything I need will be here or in my bookmarks. lol

but it’s mine and it will be bad ass like my last, but better .. maybe I can get on leo laporte’s new show.