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Tech Forum

18 May

I just built a tech support and rumors forum with a video game and console section.
I hope you people like it.
I will be adding moderators as I see the users with morals sticking around.
I will be banning all clowns as fast as I can and as often as I can. who knows maybe I will redirect them to forums I hate 🙂

The goal is to get information and news about tech to the world. and what the hell, to hang out and talk to others like myself.
I don’t see any out there with the same stuff as what I have envisioned so I am making it myself. yes there will be a fight room. Because hey, we all do need to get it out of our systems.
But no fighting in main rooms.

There is avatar and all other options we all have been missing through the past few years as these places seem to get invisible these days.
Yes you can upload your own images to my server, I can handle a fricken lot .
bbcode welcome, html code welcome (for now)

Ubuntu Linux my take

15 Oct

What’s the big deal?

Why is it not as simplified as Xandros? why can you not open a terminal in just any old folder? I mean open the folder and click on tools and bam there it is.. like in Xandros. I mean if it is so revolutionary and simplified , Why is it so slow?

My work is here

San andreas on linux recap

4 Oct

recap from first blog about gta vc and san andreas on linux of mine.

I have now installed the game on suse,xandros,ubuntu here is the walk through

So far it runs smoothest on xandros for me, ubuntu has great drivers for nvidia but not quite fast or smooth enough.

I am on a fresh reinstall of xandros, and havent installed any video addons that have previously givin me a hard time.

man this is quite nice,practicly like a san andrea only computer,or gta arcade. but what ever. I got reminded that I even

did the gta on linux page by a member of the gta forums website, I noticed that this person came from thier blog/website

My god, the person quoted me even with all my damn typos. I mean , I slappe dthat together to pass on to a few friends, I never checked for spelling errors or poor sentence structure. well I have noticed buttloads of traffic, so I slapped adsense on it and forgot about it. 4000 hits later,someone quotes me. guh.

well I looked at that person’s page and I have to say “nice fricken work” they did very well, more screen shots of the install than what I give, LOL I give none, this person gives noted errors, I give none. between the two I think you might get a pretty good install going. go to for the multiplayer version of gta. It works on linux now… you do not need cedega nor a subscription to a sub-par mag!

gamers war cry



9 Sep

Not the bars or taverns that you find a bunch of tool assed dudes in.

That’s not what this is, not a tool bar that porn storms you.

But I actually have a decent toolbar that I created just fo me with links to all the fun and or crazy crap I connect to , from video game sites to car Parts sites to Torrent searcher sites. all kinds of crap that I use on a regular basis . I built my own home page with search engine and everything. It all is really simplified for me. some of you might be “tool asses” and not know how anything works in it.Cool, then it is not for you. but I love the damn thing. I love the pop up blocker, I love how it Simplifies teh whole damn bookmarks/favorites even more simple than it already is. It has a feed catcher also.

now I myself like a thin browser, I hate seeing a bunch of shit all at the top of the page . But this one looks slick as wet shit. with aradio added mind you. If you want one of your own for your browser for your own shit.. install mine give it a go first and see what you think. then come backhere and leave a comment I will walk you through on how to build it yourself.. Or I might even make you your own custom just for kicks to kill time.. your tool bar can say what ever you want, from “I love my pet cheeta” to “pull my finger” what ever you want.

I use it on my linux machine on FireFox It looks damn good.

Well you guys I love the traffic you have been giving me and I totally enjoy blogging for you guys. So I give this to you , gimme some imput and let me know what you think. If ya hate it, uninstall it and come back and cuss me out, I will fix what ever error you found and link you to the update. but here is TruXter’s I Work With People toolbar

10 Podcasts for week 8-14-7

13 Aug

Jobical used to be the working podcast

The Linux Link Tech Show

Linux Action Show

The Tech Guy 377

Mike Tech Show


Slash Dot Review

Cnet Tech News

Chris Pirillo

This Week In Tech

This will get you through the first hour of each day. enjoy.

GTA San Andreas on linux

8 Aug

Well, it turns out that you do not need Cedega to play san andreas on Linux.That’s right, all of you who have subscribed have been duped.I have done the install and done the game play on just wine and a cracked .exe file. Google search torrent: gta_sa.exe . Look for the 15mb cracked exe file. Here is the walk through on how to set this up I think I made this easy for you. Duno, sometimes what i understand ain’t quite what you understand. But i added screen shots.

If you have any questions, hit me up right here and I will try my best to help you understand what I meant.

Oh. on that page is a link to the vice city install also, you might want to try that one.. it is waaaaaay easy but a lil buggy, but the bugs are kinda cool :p

Once you guys get the game working from a complete legit install from a legit disk and get the game working. do me and you a favor, send a note to rockstar and tell them you want the games ported for Linux…. screw Microsoft. I promise there are allot of people reading this.and twice that find my page on this through Linux… trust me , I see the logs. You ain’t the first.
The game is what it is all about. I updated this here sorry I will come back here and there and do updates … maybe morph them into two totally different gta vice city and san andreas grand theft autos on linux

My work is here

Gta Vice City on linux

2 Aug

Well, I have forever been told it could not be done, But I have been bumping around on the net and found a bunch of resources for everything you need for every game. Right now let’s start with getting Grand Theft Auto Vice city to work on linux.Start with getting “” for the full install don’t bother with the rpm files. get the source from source forge. do the install and play. for now with the setup instructions i give , there is no car .street or people audio. I am assuming you just rip the audio from the cd and place it in the audio folder on hard disk. another issue is the color is a bit off .then again, i kinda like everything a shade darker yet a tad shinier.pic-6.png

You need a no cd crack for it to work as of now, because rockstar games saw no profit in a linux version of the game… really it couldn’t hurt to make it a tiny option during install.

so click the link i posted at the top and give it a read if you want the game installed .(yeah i did that link long before I did this post, it has all the info you need. a Little effort I put in it, really it is not hard at all

Man I swear debian and rockstar should cut a deal. a disc with  all gta games on it current from gta 1 – gta vice city stories   all bundled in a linux distro disk full blown o/s skinned to reflect gta with all games installed during the install, but teh disk costs 200-250 dollars, and fedora gets 10% or some shit. and wine gets 5%. Three months of hype ad pre-notification that let’s everyone know that they need to have a fresh hard disk or freshly formatted harddisk or a large enough disk to duel boot.. because you know the idiot factor …..

Hell I am sure some people would buy the grand theft auto computer for $200 more than market price because it has the games preinstalled.

usb port car stereo+ chipod v2 = greatness

1 Aug

well the chipod v2 worked great in the car on the usb port connection, why do I know this?… I forgot my fricken headphones.Car stereo I am enjoying

so chipod score=2

ipod score=0..

cheap lil crappy 10 dollar mp3 player/memory stick= -1 because it played once but never again.

Chipod linux compatible from the start no drivers no special software.. all others, need every fricken piece of software you can think of.

Downside is the battery rakes forever to charge… I really do mean forever. it has to be attached usb to pc . I do have a usb charger for wall socket.. that sucker just got hot but did not charge. plus when you connect to the pc, even with the thing turned off you can still browse the folders, that is kinda cool kinda bad. bad because while you have it opened to browse, the battery stops charging.. no joke. I di9d not know this. I left it opened with the pc on (booted to Linux Partition) while I slept. woke up and the dang thing was at 75% charge, right where I last left it. It did charge while hooked up to the car stereo on the way to work as I listened to regular local radio … cool. but I really think chipod v1 had a way longer battery life. if this stays an issue, I might just break out my old v1 and my soldering gun.

chipod v1

Chipod v2