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Morgan Webb’s podcast

13 Aug

Well I found her . she is doing a tech round up show. Webb Alert

Looks like she is doing a good job and is of quality worth watching. downside is I cannot find the audio download .

See I listen to podcasts while I am at work just walking around doing my regular everyday thing. It is great to kind of lose the day’s noise while I am out busting my butt getting my fill of their content and doing my job. I have gotten to a state in my life where I can not just sit around listening to the same damn song every day every ten minutes. I really need to learn stuff. It makes me feel as if i am doing myself some good.

so here is the link

I really enjoy the way she hammers out her news, it is fast paced and informitive, she has show notes at the bottom.. I really wish she would get a mp3 version out.. might even come close to what andy does on slashdot review

Sarah Lane