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Finding Jobs Easy

18 Jun

The easy way to locate a job is by finding the right job search site. The way you can do it and be certain you are comparing options is by trying as many sites as you can. You can start by going down this list, and do a search on each site individually.

From these sites all at once

Or you can of course you can easily try a condensed search. Like using one someone put together that Searches all 14 sites at one time.

The trick is to type in the city you want to work in and the job title. That simple. If you want more detail then give it. you can check specific companies and see if they are hiring. Those are the top job sites. So it should simplify everything for you by using that search. Of course you will probably have to sign up to at least one of those sites to leave like a resume or something. but most of the posts you click into, actually list a phone number or email address or business address.

You can so much as type in whether you want full time or part time. Salary or wage, fine. The more you add the more defined. but first try a simple search with it.

With unemployment at it’s all time highest I would recommend anyone who wants to get on a better or an actual income, give this a try. You can print out results of your search and show them to anyone you need to prove that you are trying to find a job to. It simplifies the most monotonous part. Find a Job Now.

Working on job searcher

25 Sep

On the site “”   I am working on a job searcher that brings you wnat you need and or want. for now it has small advertisers in a job search related area. they might actually help you.

maybe not.

bu I am pushing for making it easier to have your resume actually read by people submitting job postings. Nothing in job searching has pissed me off more than the fact that the past 6 years my resume has been on career builder, I have been the only person to have read it.